Saturday, November 15, 2014

Sample Proposal:

I plan on revising my second essay, which analyzed both positive and negative effects of social media for the lives of adults, teens, and even children. I thought it was best to select this essay for expansion because I feel like I did not go fully in-depth as I would have liked to with my claims compared to the authors. In “ Virtual Popularity Isn’t Cool -- It’s Pathetic, ” Ian Daly claims that social media is a distraction and can be easily addicting, causing a separation from the real world. My intention was to write about the equality between the Negative and Positive effects of social media to its users, but I had focused more on Daly’s claim and less on mine. I think it would be much more interesting to hear both sides of knowing positive side effects and negative side effects through social media and networking, and to also know why  children, teens and adults are so fixate between online popularity and communication.

Key Terms:
• Negative effects of social media
• Positive effects of social media
• Social media marketing
• Virtual popularity
• Social networking addiction
• Social media addiction research
• Age influences on social networking


  1. Social media has become one of the most important things in the lives of Americans. I love the way that you are choosing to go even more in depth with your essay. I think you should definitely focus more on your claim rather than Daly's. You should use his story to just back up your own claim because yours is the one that matters. Online popularity is becoming a huge new thing in today's society and I love the ways you are going to write your essay. Best of luck to you.

  2. If there's one thing that's true about anything, is that there's always two sides of a topic. Good call explaining the positive and the negative, it gives more credibility to your writing.

  3. Interesting take on Ian Daly's article. I think that your expansion will be great because you already have key points to talk about and measure up to. Going more into your essay by using the "i say" technique more then "They say" is a really good way to grab readers attention and have readers relate to what you have to say.

  4. i agree with Tyler completely. explaining the positive vs the negative sides of a an essay will always give you more credibility. and it also will show that you are well inform of what you are talking about in your essay.

  5. Sounds like you have a good idea with the direction of the essay and when mentioning virtual popularity you can probably incorporate the recent Alex from Target trend where he got famous because a girl posted a picture of him bagging groceries all because he's a cutie.

  6. Good start. I echo the comments here, but do caution that you need to "lean" in one direction. If your paper remains squarely in the middle, stating social media is both negative and positive, then you really have no arguable claim. If you at least lean in one direction, then all of the above comments are correct: the presentation of both sides will demonstrate a solid understanding of the topic and an unbiased approach.
