Saturday, September 13, 2014

How much do you think Social Media has affected society?
Technology is one of the most persuasive studies changing place in the twenty-first century. The unchallenging , and effortless use of new technologies has risen the significance and welfare of social networking. People are enlarging their ability to share  with other groups more quickly and maximizing productivity. Nonetheless the use of social networks has changed how people share or exchange information, their ways of organizing and carrying out correlation and correspondence led in some ways the loss of our privacy.. and although disappointing, it is true that people sometimes prefer to have additional interactions with friends through a social network, calls or texting than to be seen in person. The way people used to have coffee with friends on weekends, meet to chat about an important event that happened or just hang out with an old friend seem to have been lost along with the importance of real friendship. Now, people have more friends on Facebook that they used to have when social networks were not widespread, and probably they do not know 80% of their Facebook friends. In the article of Ian Daly “Virtual Popularity Isn’t cool-It’s Pathetic”, he writes “Take a good, long look at your friend list and ask yourself how many of these people would meet you for a beer- or how many you would actually want to meet for a beer.” (481)


Men and women of all ages want to feel as if they are significant, connected and more important to others as being independent. This controls the direction of fixation in a sense that no one wants to feel abandoned , but the price you pay for feeling included jeopardizes aspects of life that are far more reputable. People never really feel that they are missing out on something because they no longer give the things that are actually significant much importance. Ian Daly believes that if you resist the allure, you will be vindicated. Social networks inhibit actual relationships. The social network sites are time consuming, ‘it’s like a 24-hour obsession that you have to update and take care of. “There aren’t too many benefits to this site that can’t be realized via email and telephone, “says Daly (481). The author in a sense treasures old fashion communication and sincere relationships...


  1. I agree with your response one hundred percent. People are missing out on so many things just because they would rather spend time behind a computer screen or behind their smart phone. Instead of actually going up to someone to talk, people would rather message them on Facebook. People should treasure a relationship where they can call someone and have a real conversation instead of just sending a few short messages back and forth. Social media has its benefits, but most people ignore the benefits and focus on the popularity aspect. It would be easy to ask someone to go out to dinner sometime and have a real conversation and relationship, but people would much rather hide behind their phone and try to create a fake relationship. Online popularity is a joke and there is nothing that can replace a genuine relationship.

  2. I am going to go one step further, William. Instead of calling, we could actually see the person face to face. I know I am guilty of this as well. It is so much easier (and quicker) to send a text or email than actually meet for lunch or even walk down the hall at work. But, we are really losing out on something by not engaging in real interaction.
